Mission, vision and values

CINBIO, investigadores e investigadoras do máis alto nivel

Our fundamental objective is to have a multiplier effect on society and give back highly-specialised professionals, scientific knowledge and transference. In order to solidify the future of our research, CINBIO endeavours to light the spark of creativity in up-and-coming researchers, and attract the talents of established experts in highly technical fields to create a multidisciplinary research centre of international renown.

It is our goal to consolidate CINBIO as the reference centre for innovation in the fields of biotechnology and biomedicine through excellence and a more direct response to the needs of society.

With this goal in mind, and in alignment with European, national and autonomic health strategies, the mission of CINBIO is to create and transfer knowledge and innovation in the fields of biomedicine and biotechnology, always using a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach. To this end, we work tirelessly to reinforce the research capacity of our specialised group as well as their international status; we carry out quality research projects and develop new infrastructures; we take part in joint research programmes with other national and international institutions; we participate in teaching initiatives to increase the number of experts in the fields of biomedicine and biotechnology; and we foster the application of research results through contracts, patents, licenses as well as the foundation of spin-offs. In addition, we advocate for the reduction of the imbalance that still persists today between men and women in science, technology and industrial leadership, speaking from a research centre in which more than half of the staff is women and where 35% hold leadership positions.

In line with the previous two fundamentals, the main values of CINBIO are the following:

  • Multidisciplinarity, integration and cooperation

    we promote cooperation between groups of different disciplines to create new synergies

  • Professionalism in infrastructure selection and the use of technological platforms

    our staff at CINBIO and at the associated centres is experienced and has appropriate technical knowledge

  • Youth, leadership and creativity

    according to Times Higher Education, we are part of one of the hundred best universities under fifty years old, with both up-and-coming and consolidated international researchers

  • Ethics and transparency

    in biomedical research and animal experimentation

  • Integration

    we are committed to achieve gender equality and to advocate women leadership

  • Social engagement

    through dissemination activities, open day workshops and press conferences to share science with society

  • Availability for the industry

    by offering educational opportunities, project development and technological transference

  • Performance orientation

    the main goals of our research consist in its application to society

  • Internationalisation

    we collaborate with a wide network of international research centres

  • Spirit of continuous improvement

    in research, scientific dissemination and the adaptation of our results both to traditional and social media