O venres 30 de maio de 2025, o Dr. Luis Ángel Fernández (Department of Microbial Biotechnology
Centro Nacional de Biotecnología. CNB-CSIC) ofrecerá o seminario “Synthetic biology of E. coli for cancer therapies and generation of nanobodies" dentro do ciclo CINBIO Seminar Programme.
Será ás 11:00 horas na Sala de seminarios de Torre CACTI.
Short bio:
Dr. Luis Ángel Fernández is a Principal Investigator of the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) at the National Center for Biotechnology (CNB) in Madrid, Spain. He received his PhD in Science (Molecular Biology) from the Autonomous University of Madrid (1995). He worked as a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of California San Francisco (until 1998) and in the Department of Microbial Biotechnology at the CNB-CSIC (until 2001). He was granted with a Ramón y Cajal tenured track contract at CNB-CSIC in 2002 and since 2005 he leads a research group focused on protein secretion and the engineering of bacteria for biomedical applications. His current research focuses on developing technologies for selection of nanobodies in E. coli and the generation of engineered bacteria for therapeutic use using synthetic biology. Co-author of more than 80 original research articles, in addition to several reviews and book chapters, he is also inventor in 8 international patents. He has participated in national and international scientific committees, and is a member of editorial committees in several scientific journals, such as Microbial Biotechnology and Current Opinion in Biotechnology. He received the "Jaime Ferran Research Award" from the Spanish Society of Microbiology in 2007.
Escherichia coli
Protein secretion
Outer membrane proteins
Bacterial display
Synthetic biology
Bacterial therapies