Spin offs

Spin offs

CINBIO researchers promote different entrepreneurial initiatives that materialized in spin-offs and that allow the exploitation of new products or processes based on knowledge.

We currently have 3 active spin-offs:

  • Nanoimmunotech: company in the nanobiotechnology sector with extensive knowledge in manufacturing and bioconjugation of nanomaterials, and their application in biosensors.
  • Thermal peloids: consultancy on production, use and properties of peloids, both for therapeutic and cosmetic applications, focused on providing services to the thermal sector.
  • Nanofaber: integral supplier of advanced materials, nanotechnologies, energy and innovation services for health, energy and sustainability sectors.


(created in 2009, with headquarters in Vigo and Zaragoza)

Peloides Termales S. L.

(created in 2009, Vigo)


(created in 2015, Italian-Spanish joint venture. Marketed in 2016)