O xoves 26 de xuño de 2025, Jhoan Toro-Mendoza (American Chemical Society Publications. Oxford, UK) ofrecerá o seminario “Academy, Industry, & Editorial: Some tips from my journey" dentro do programa de formación transversal do CINBIO.
Será ás 11:00 horas na Sala de seminarios de Torre CACTI.
Advising is always a titanic task. Every person is unique and what works for one does not necessarily work for another. In our actively changing world, finding your voice and carefully identifying your core and underdeveloped skills is key to having a meaningful professional career. My journey has allowed me to not only do that in myself but also to help others become self-aware and empowered. In this conversation, I will try to share some ideas and practices that successfully led me to navigate in the scientific academy, industry advisory, and, more recently, to transition into the editorial side of science: listening, openness, constancy, discipline, networking, and critic thinking are some of the key ingredients of this ongoing recipe. In my role as a Managing Editor at ACS Publications, I think I have the best of all worlds: clear opportunities for growth and career progression, a job that keeps me interested and motivated, and I still maintain a link to cutting-edge research, including the possibility of active research collaborations.
Jhoan is a Venezuelan physicist, industry advisor, and managing editor currently based in Oxford. He joined the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research at 19, where he started working in colloidal systems, in particular, emulsion stability. He obtained his Ph.D. in physics from the same institute and moved to the USA for a postdoctoral position to complete the analysis of the coalescence of emulsion droplets. He returned to his home country to start his research group and was appointed as the head of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Physics. After six active and professional successful years, due to the situation in Venezuela, Jhoan decided to move to Spain in pursuit of a new challenge, working in protein-nanoparticle interactions and medicine applications. After three years, he and his family moved again, this time to Oxford, where a new chapter began, this time as managing editor for the American Chemical Society.