
Bioexperimentation Room ANCB-2
The University of Vigo Bioexperimentation Service (Sbio) was created to satisfy the needs of researchers who work with animal models.
Animal testing plays a fundamental role in the research of underlying biological mechanisms of diseases and in the development of medical treatments. If it were not for animal testing, most forms of medication, antibiotics, vaccines and surgical techniques currently in use would not be available in the field of human and veterinary medicine.

The new ANCB-2 area of the Bioexperimentation Service was created with the goal of housing deliberately infected animals with biological agents of risk groups 1 and 2, as well as Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) of risk level 1 and 2.
This facility is endowed with every structural requirement (air filtration, pressure system, interlocking gates, etc.), the equipment necessary to ensure the safe housing of animals, and the maintenance of biosafety barriers which correspond to this type of spaces (see RD 664/97 on the protection of workers against risks related to the exposure to biological agents in their job).
The facility was authorised by the National Commission on Biosafety to work with type 2 GMOs and qualified according to a FAO/WHO report as advanced or 2+ biological contention ANCB2+.
Team responsible for the service
Head veterinary specialist responsible for animal wellbeing
vetanimpp@uvigo.esGraduate and doctor in Veterinary Sciences from the University of León, she is authorised to perform functions a, b, c, d, e and f according to Order ECC566/2015, which establishes the capacitation requirements for members of staff to handle animals used, raised or supplied for the purpose of experimentation or other scientific ends, including teaching.
With a professional experience of more than 15 years as a veterinary specialist responsible for animal wellbeing in testing sites (ten years at the University of León and five years at the University of Vigo), she is an expert in the field of animal testing, biosafety, facility management and animal pathology.
Animal care and attention staff and personnel in charge of procedure performance
tecanivdl@uvigo.esSenior technical officer in pathological anatomy and cytology, laboratory management and clinical diagnosis, and facility administration with capacitation to carry out functions a, b and c according to Order ECC566/2015, which establishes the capacitation requirements for members of staff to handle animals used, raised or supplied for the purpose of experimentation or other scientific ends, including teaching.
With a professional experience of more than four years as a laboratory technician and more than eight years as a facility administration technician, she has received further training in animal handling and experimentation, as well as experimental procedure performance.