Structure and organisation
The organisational structure is composed of a steering commission at the University of Vigo, a board of directors, an executive and scientific committee at CINBIO, as well as an external advisory board.

Board of directors
The board of directors is composed of representatives of each of the four research areas at CINBIO, with the purpose of streamlining management.
External Advisory Board (EAB)
Scientific Committee at the centre
The scientific committee at CINBIO is composed of the coordinators of the research groups affiliated with the centre. Its goal is to control and supervise its mission and strategy.
Consello Asesor Empresarial Externo (External Business Advisory Board-EBAB) do CINBIO constituiuse en 2022, e é froito da aposta do centro para mellorar a productividade e a competitividade, representando unha oportunidade única para establecer colaboracións co tecido empresarial existente no entorno, ampliando áreas de negocio e creando sinergias. O Board, co apoio da Unidade de Transferencia e Innovación do CINBIO, proporciona asesoramento, apoio no desenvolvemento de novas ideas de negocio e guía nas principais tendencias tecnolóxicas do entorno socioeconómico actual.