
Core Communication Skills, Time & Project Management 07 February 2022

Formación científica

Formación transversal

TRAINING WORKSHOP: Core Communication Skills, Time & Project Management

Training Summary
Title: Core Communication Skills, Time & Project Management
Target: audience 1st and 2nd year PhD students at CINBIO
Duration: Two full days
No. participants 16
Format: In person (Videoconferences room - CACTI) 
Dates: February 7 & 8, 2022. 09.30-17.30 each day (with coffe break at 11.30 and launch at 13, included)
Trainers: Dr Gavin Lucas, Dr Tobias Maier

Workshop Goal
The first goal of this workshop is to provide participants with a grounding in some key transferrable competencies for their PhD research and beyond. The over-riding principle is awareness-raising: to develop a conceptual framework to understand and deal with some of the common challenges that arise during one’s PhD, and to acquire a set of practical tools and methods that are immediately applicable in the participants’ working environment. The second goal is to help build this year's cohort by establishing a cohesive group identity among the participants, as a basis for Peer Mentoring and collaborative learning during their PhD.

Workshop Content
• Cohort Building. A key goal of this workshop is to form group identity and cohesion for productive collaboration during the participants’ PhD and beyond. We will run presentation exercises and group tasks to encourage participants to interact and get to know each other. 
• Core communication skills. We will explore some essential aspects that are common to many science communication channels, including thinking about the audience, defining the core message, and justifying our research. This module will also touch on aspects of interpersonal communication, working with my supervisor, and giving and receiving feedback.
• Time management. How do you plan your day so you work effectively? How do you prioritise your tasks so you get the important things done first? Participants will learn simple tools that will help them be more efficient.
• Project and task management. Setting realistic goals requires practice. Participants will be introduced to a framework that simplifies project and task management, and will discover digital helpers to manage themselves and collaborate better.

Training Methods
This is an interactive workshop with extensive elements of partner work, exercises, group discussion. We use innovative training methods and proven didactic techniques, and place special emphasis on sharing and learning from the participants’ own expertise and experience. To increase impact and applicability, we work with real-life cases from the participants whenever possible. We may ask participants to reserve time for individual preparatory work before the workshop.

Dr Gavin Lucas PhD is director of ThePaperMill, and a scientist with 13 years of experience as a biomedical researcher, and 12 years of experience as an academic author’s editor, consultant and trainer. In addition to his own solid track-record as a publishing scientist on national, European and international research projects, as an academic author’s editor and consultant, he has helped plan, critique, and polish over 450 original scientific articles for dozens of institutes in diverse fields, as well as dozens of H2020 and Horizon Europe
proposals. He also has extensive experience as a trainer in scientific writing and other transferable skills for researchers, and provides consultancy on training and scientific productivity at numerous academic institutes, public agencies, charitable foundations, and private companies.

Dr Tobias Maier PhD is Deputy Director of the National Institute for Science Communication in Karlsruhe, Germany. He has a PhD in biochemistry and a ten-year track record in academic research, funding acquisition, and publishing in high impact journals such as cell or science. He has extensive experience as a trainer at workshops for scientists on diverse topics, including scientific writing, online science communication, career development, leadership, and other transferrable skills. 

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