
Jonathan Quinson - CINBIO Seminar Programme 19 December 2022

Programa Seminar Programme

O 19 de decembro de 2022 o Dr. Jonathan Quinson (Department of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering, Aarhus University) ofrecerá o seminario "Surfactant-free (precious metal) nanoparticles: challenges and opportunities for catalysis and beyond" dentro do ciclo "CINBIO Seminar Programme." Será ás 12:00h na Sala de Seminarios da Torre CACTI.

'Although the colloidal syntheses of surfactant-free (precious) metal nanoparticles and nanomaterials can be challenging, they are possible. This presentation will cover our recent advances in developing surfactant-free colloidal syntheses of precious metal-based nanoparticles. Examples of applications in catalytic energy conversion will be highlighted and promising features for fundamental and applied research will be discussed'.