Job opportunities
O CINBIO inicia o proceso de selección de: dous investigadores emerxentes e un técnico de apoio de laboratorio. Ata o 2 de marzo de 2017.
O Centro de Investigacións Biomédicas (CINBIO) ofrece dous postos para investigadores emerxentes a tempo completo en calquera das áreas de investigación do Centro (principais e transversais). O prazo de presentación…
Start Date: 16/02/2017End Date: 02/03/2017 -
CINBIO offers five positions. Deadline 12 February.
The Immunology Group offers four research positions and one for a laboratory technician.
Start Date: 02/02/2017End Date: 12/02/2017 -
CINBIO offers one position
The Biomedical Research Center CINBIO offers a postdoctoral position:
- CINBIO 16 – Molecular Biomaker. Posdoctoral.
Start Date: 20/01/2017End Date: 10/02/2017 -
Resolution CINBIO positions: postdoctoral specialized in Thermalism and Laboratory Technician
The CINBIO selection has been resoluted :
- CINBIO 14 – Laboratory technician
- CINBIO 15 – Specialized Technician in Thermalism
Start Date: 17/01/2017End Date: 17/01/2017 -
O CINBIO selecciona un posto de técnico de laboratorio e un Doutor especialista en Termalismo.
O Centro de Investigacións Biomédicas (CINBIO) é un centro multidisciplinar que traballa no ámbito Biomédico da Universidade de Vigo. Iniciase o proceso de selección de dous postos:
- CINBIO 14 –…
Start Date: 29/12/2016End Date: 07/01/2017 -
The CINBIO offers two positions
The Biomedical Research Center (Centro de Investigaciones Biomédicas, CINBIO) is a multidisciplinary center that covers some of the main research areas in Biomedicine. It emerged to create a common infrastructure…
Start Date: 28/12/2016End Date: 07/01/2017 -
Resolution CINBIO Positions 2016
Selection of candidates for biomedical research center
Start Date: 16/12/2016End Date: 07/01/2017 -
The CINBIO offers six Predoctoral positions
The Biomedical Research Center (Centro de Investigaciones Biomédicas, CINBIO) is a multidisciplinary center that covers some of the main research areas in Biomedicine. It emerged to create a common infrastructure…
Start Date: 28/11/2016End Date: 07/12/2017 -
The CINBIO offers three positions
The Biomedical Research Center (Centro de Investigaciones Biomédicas, CINBIO) is a multidisciplinary center that covers some of the main research areas in Biomedicine. It emerged to create a common infrastructure…
Start Date: 28/11/2016End Date: 07/12/2016 -
Postdoc Position in Neuroscience Lab (CINBIO)
Project: “Caracterización de los canals de potasio de doble dominio de poro (K2P) en neuronas del ganglio nodoso y su possible papel en la sensibilidad visceral”.
Deadline: 1 January 2017.
…Start Date: 17/11/2016End Date: 01/01/2017