O martes 24 de xuño de 2025, Dr. Iria Gómez Touriño (CiMUS, USC) ofrecerá o seminario “Identifying novel antigens in autoimmunity through drug discovery approaches" dentro do ciclo CINBIO Seminar Programme.
Será ás 11:00 horas na Sala de seminarios de Torre CACTI.
My lab is focused in understanding the molecular mechanisms of autoimmunity, and how small molecules could be involved in both fostering and/or disrupting the functioning of the immune system. They constitute powerful drugs as they easily cross cell membranes, increasing the number of druggable targets but, at the same time, their small size and chemical features make them a potential source of immune disruption. We are currently investigating the role of small molecules such as self-metabolites and contaminants as antigens for a subset of T lymphocytes, MAIT cells, in autoimmune diseases.
Dr. Iria Gomez-Tourino is Associate Professor at the USC since 2020, and group leader of the Immunity and Small Molecules Lab at CiMUS and IDIS. She has been awarded several fellowships and awards, including two prestigious Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual fellowships (King’s College London, UK, 2013-2015, and USC, Spain, 2018-2020), the Award to Young Researchers by the Royal Academy of Sciences of Galicia (2025), and the Career Development Award by Breakthrough T1D (formerly JDRF, 2023-2028, 1M$). The latter is aimed to foster the careers of exceptionally promising researchers in the Type 1 Diabetes field, and only three researchers receive this award yearly around the globe. 67% of her publications are in D1 journals, this being the case for her last four articles (Nature Communications, Diabetologia, FASEB Journal and Nature Immunology). Dr. Gomez is also the inventor of 3 patents, European Union Expert Evaluator, Nobel Laureate Lindau alumni, and elected member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Society of Immunology (2022-2026). She is also very active in outreach activities.