Despois do descanso de Nadal reiniciamos os nosos Seminarios CINBIO, cada dúas semanas.
Este seminario realizarase o xoves 11 de xaneiro ás 10 da mañá na Sala de Conferencias de CACTI (Torre CACTI – Piso 0, xunto a CITEXVI).
Orador: Dr. José A. Souto Salgado do Organic Chemsitry Group, CINBIO (QO1).
Título: Unveiling new gates to chemicals
The talk will be in Spanish, and registration is not required.
Through evolution, Nature has developed the machinery to selective prepare the most intrincate molecules for its specific needs, from bioactive compounds to materials. As Organic Chemist we get inspired from this myriad number of transformations in order to develop, in an efficient and effective manner, the synthesis of the molecules and materials that our society demands.