
Teses CINBIO - Carla Estévez Varela 28 novembro 2024 Salón de graos do Edificio de Ciencias Experimentais. Campus de Vigo.

O xoves 28 de novembro ás 11:00 horas, Carla Estévez Varela, do Grupo de NanoBioMateriais Funcionais (FunNanoBio) do CINBIO, presentará a súa tese de doutoramento baixo o título “SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF J-AGGREGATE-BASED NANOPARTICLES”.

Será no Salón de Graos da Facultade de Ciencias do Mar, no Edificio de Ciencias Experimentais do Campus de Vigo.


J-aggregates are supramolecular structures with remarkable optical properties, including narrow excitonic bands and the ability to confine light at the nanoscale. This Ph.D. thesis explores the integration of J-aggregates into three distinct nanostructures: core-shell nanoparticles, colloidal flakes, and plexcitonic nanoparticles, resulting in novel hybrid materials with enhanced optical functionalities.