
Teses CINBIO - Daniel Otero 29 novembro 2024 Novo Salón de Graos do Edificio de Ciencias Experimentais. Campus de Vigo.

O venres 29 de novembro ás 11:30 horas, Daniel Otero, do Grupo de Química Orgánica (ORCHID) do CINBIO, presentará a súa tese de doutoramento baixo o título “APROXIMACIÓN A LA SÍNTESIS TOTAL DE MACROLACTAMAS POLIÉNICAS AISLADAS DE STREPTOMYCES”.

Será no Novo Salón de Graos do Edificio de Ciencias Experimentais, Campus de Vigo.


Polyenic macrolactams are a family of natural products with more than 50 members reported and interesting biological activities. Their structures have complex motifs like conjugated polyenic chains, medium size macrocycles (20 – 34 atoms) or aminosugars linked to asymmetric carbons. All these features have attracted the interest of synthetic chemists community¡.

In this doctoral dissertation we describe promising approximations to the total synthesis of two polyenic macrolactams: silvalactam and cyclamenol A.