
06 xullo 2022The Thinking Institute at the University of Vigo

O 4 e 5 de xullo de 2022 celebrouse o congreso The Thinking Institute at the University of Vigo no Salón de Actos da Facultade de Ciencias do Mar. No evento, reuníronse científicas e científicos internacionais para debater sobre ciencia coa mente aberta para orixinar novas liñas de investigación nun entorno multidisciplinario. Esta iniciativa foi organizada por Luis M. Liz Marzán en colaboración con CINBIO.

Así, a apertura do evento no primeiro día correu a cargo de Manuel Reigosa (reitor da Universidade de Vigo), Luis Liz e Miguel Correa (director do CINBIO). Despois da súa intervención, seguiron as charlas de Nicholas Kotov, Verónica Salgueiriño, Maurizio Prato e Joerg Lahann.

Apertura do acto

Nicholas Kotov - The Case for Diversity, Tolerance, and Complexity from the World of Nanoscale Chirality

Verónica Salgueiriño - Nanostructuring processes to tune the magnetic behavior of nanocrystals of transition metal oxides

Maurizio Prato - Carbon Nanodots: the missing link between the molecular and the nanoscale worlds

Joerg Lahann - Building Nanoparticles - One Protein at the Time

O segundo día, as relatoras e relatores foron Lucas V. Besteiro, Francesco Stellacci, Luis Liz-Marzán, Catherine J. Murphy e Mónica Olvera de la Cruz.

Lucas V. Besteiro - A theorical perspective on the connection between chirality and photocatalysis in plasmonic nanocrystals

Francesco Stellacci - Weak and Strong Interactions in Nanoparticles and in Proteins

Luis Liz Marzán - The Bright Future of Surfactants for Nanocrystal Growth

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