Oferta de Emprego: CINBIO 26. Postdoc Researcher on Biomass and Sustainable Development

Oferta de Emprego: CINBIO 26. Postdoc Researcher on Biomass and Sustainable Development

Fecha Inicio: 13 xaneiro 2018
Fecha Fin: 25 xaneiro 2018
Tempo completo

Perfil: O Centro de Investigación Biomédica (CINBIO) ofrece unha praza temporal de investigador/a postdoctoral a tempo completo para unha persoa altamente motivada e cualificada para traballar na “extracción e purificación de produtos biolóxicos a partir da biomasa“, relacionados coa área de Biosaúde e Envellecemento Activo, no grupo de Biomasa e Desenvolvemento Sostible, con sede en OurensePeriodo: inicialmente durante 7,5 meses (a partires de marzo de 2018), e pódese continuar.

Find here the final resolution on this recruitment process. CINBIO 26 EQ2-Final Resolution 

Convocatoria: informacion do procedimento

Prazo de solicitude: 25 de xaneiro de 2018 (16:00 horas, hora local).

Evaluation criteria:

  • Official Academic degrees: 40%
  • CV, proved experience related to the post: 60%.

Evaluation process:

The Human Resources Board will select one candidate, and other qualified candidates will end up in a waiting list for future considerationThe members appointed to the Board are professors: A. Gonzalez, R. Alvarez, J.L. Legido; the substitutes: J.L. Alonso, and F. Fdez-Riverola.

The Human Resources Board publishes the CINBIO 26 List of Admitted & Rejected candidates.

Podese reclamar en dez dias, (ata 10feb).

The Human Resources Board publishes the list of CINBIO 26 Assessment Commission Evaluation

The three selected candidates will be contacted for a remote personal interview; tentatively, next monday, 26th feb, after 16h, Madrid time.

Os tres candidatos seleccionados serán contactados para unha entrevista persoal remota; o próximo luns, 26 de febreiro, logo das 16h, hora de Madrid.

The Human Resources Board publishes the list of CINBIO 26 EQ2-Assessment Commission Final Evaluation.

Following the interview there is the final evaluation and the proposal for the selected candidate.

There are five days to claim against (until 7-march).

Find here the final resolution on this recruitment process. CINBIO 26 EQ2-Final Resolution