Oferta de emprego: CINBIO 29. Investigador postdoctoral de análise evolutiva de datos de NGS

Oferta de emprego: CINBIO 29. Investigador postdoctoral de análise evolutiva de datos de NGS

Fecha Inicio: 28 xuño 2018
Fecha Fin: 01 agosto 2018
Tempo completo
Perfil: O Centro de Investigación Biomédica (CINBIO) ofrece unha praza  postdoctoral interina a tempo completo para un candidato altamente motivado e cualificado sobre “Análise evolutiva de datos de NGS”, no laboratorio de Filoxenómica do Grupo de Xenómica e Biomedicina, en Vigo.
Prazo: inicialmente 3 meses (a partir de setembro de 2018) e pode renovarse.
Convocatoria: información e documentación para os solicitantes (anexo I e anexo II)
Prazo de solicitude: 10 de xullo de 2018 (16:00 horas, hora local).

The Human Resources Board publishes the list of CINBIO 29 Assessment Commission Final Evaluation.

Hai cinco días para reclamar (ata o 7 ago, 13:00H).

Mandatory Degrees:
  • Doctorate in Biology.
  • Masters Degree in Bioinformatics, Genomics, Biology, Biotechnology, Computing, Statistics or other related scientific.
  • Degree in Bioinformatics, Genomics, Biology, Biotechnology, Computing, Statistics or other related scientific.

Expected Skills:

  • Experience in phylogeographical analysis of genomic data.
  • Experience in computational analysis of NGS data (Next-Generation Sequencing)
  • Experience in programming of bioinformatic pipes in Perl, Python, R and such.
  • Language skills: English (level of B2 certificate or superior).
  • Knowledge of evolutionary biology, and molecular evolution.
  • Excellent communication skills in english in a diverse research environment; highly motivated; autonomous; and willing to move forward on the project.

Salary:  It is 2000 €/month, before taxes (gross salary + employee social costs). It is also covered end of contract compensation, and social security costs from employer side.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Official Academic degrees.
  • CV, and proved research
  • A personal interview may be requested.

Candidates have to  send:

  1. APPLICATION FORM, ANNEX II (pdf file: cinbio29_YourName_Form.pdf).
  2. Official Degrees. (name the pdf file: cinbio29_YourName_ Degrees).
  3. Curriculum vitae (name the file: cinbio29_YourName_CV).
  4. Cover letter, summarizing the applicant’s career and experience, and interest (one A4 page in pdf format, please name the file: cinbio29_YourName_Letter).

Please, send the required documents (described in Annex I, and Annex II) to , indicating the email subject: CINBIO 29. Postdoc Researcher on Evolutionary analysis of NGS data.

Application deadline:  10 JULY 2018 (16:00 hours, local time).

Evaluation process:

The Human Resources Board will decide on selection and hiring.

CINBIO 29 Postdoc Admitted & Rejected LIST 

The Human Resources Board publishes the CINBIO 29 List of Admitted & Rejected candidates.
Hai dez días para reclamar (ata o 21 xul, 12:00H).

The Human Resources Board publishes the list of CINBIO 29 Assessment Commission Final Evaluation.

Hai cinco días para reclamar (ata o 7 ago, 13:00H).