O martes 31 de xaneiro ás 12:00 horas, Brais Bea Mascato, do Laboratorio de Enfermidades Raras do CINBIO, presentará a súa tese de doutoramento baixo o título "Deciphering the molecular basis of Alström syndrome: genotype-phenotype correlations and a multi-omics approach to TGF-β pathway regulation".
Será no Salón da Graos da Facultade de Bioloxía da Universidade de Vigo.
This thesis focuses on unravelling the molecular basis of Alström syndrome, a rare disease that causes multi-organ fibrosis. Different bioinformatics techniques in combination with other experimental approaches will be used to study genotype-phenotype correlations and the regulation of the TGF-β pathway in order to propose potential therapeutic targets for this disease.