The CINBIO offers three positions

The CINBIO offers three positions

Fecha Inicio: 28 novembro 2016
Fecha Fin: 07 decembro 2016

The  Biomedical  Research  Center  (Centro  de  Investigaciones  Biomédicas,  CINBIO) is a multidisciplinary center that covers some of the main research areas in  Biomedicine. It emerged to create a common infrastructure for biomedical experts from the  University  of  Vigo  (Spain),  working  on  basic,  applied and  clinical  research.

The CINBIO offers three positions

All research vacancies are publically advertised, in particular in EURAXESS website. Job advertisements are published in English with a clear job description, the requirements for the position and the selection criteria.

Application deadline: 07/12/2016

Envisaged Job starting date: 01/01/2017

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