OPEN CALL CINBIO21/001 - Research support staff

OPEN CALL CINBIO21/001 - Research support staff

Fecha Inicio: 18 marzo 2021
Fecha Fin: 05 abril 2021
1.500,00€ gross/month
Full time (40h/week)

Convocatoria financiada no marco das axudas para a acreditación, estruturación e mellora de centros de investigación do Sistema universitario de Galicia, cofinanciada nun 80% polo Fondo Europeo de Desenvolvemento Rexional (Feder), no marco das axudas do programa operativo Feder Galicia 2014-2020.

Project: Development and application of non-viral vectors based on nanoparticles for transgenesis in nervous system

Job function:
Research support staff
Type of contract: Contracts for a specific project or service
Contracts are expecting starting date: 1 July 2021
Contract duration: 4 months
Possibility of extension: 4 further months
Working hours: Full time (40/week)
Salary: 1.500,00€ gross/month
Place of work: CINBIO (Campus Vigo, Universidade de Vigo)
Supervisor: Dr Gustavo Bodelón
Project: Development and application of non-viral vectors based on nanoparticles for transgenesis in nervous system


  • Degree related to the biomedical field (biology, pharmacy, biochemistry)
  • Master in Biotechnology/ Neurosciences.
  • Enrolment in a doctoral program in the biomedical or neuroscience field.
  • Experience in molecular biology techniques (PCR (real time), Western Blot).
  • Good command of English.
  • Candidate profiles that adapt to the project requirements will be assessed.

Evaluation criteria:

  • CV / Professional experience – up to 35 %
  • Job-related training and educational courses – up to 30%
  • Language skills – up to 10 %
  • Interview to pre-selected candidates – up to 25 % (optional)

Selection committee:

President: Dr. Gustavo Bodelón

Secretary: Dr. Yolanda Diz

Committee member: Dr. Juan Pérez

The committee can invite pre-selected candidates for a face-to-face or remote interview, or decide that the position cannot be covered by the applicants received.  A contract will be offered to the approved final candidate; the others will end up on a waiting list.

Please, send the required documentation to, indicating the Reference number in the subject.

Deadline: 05 April 2021 at 23.59 (Local time - CEST)).


Provisional list of admitted and excluded applications

Final list of admitted and excluded applications

UPADTED: Candidate evaluation